Monday, March 17, 2025

It will come down to the Military Standing for the Constitution over Trump

 Trump is pushing the law into non-existence. He is the law, in his own mind he is a king. Consequently, he has bullied and frightened the Republican Senators and House Representatives to take his guidance, or they will lose their jobs by being challenged in Republican Primary elections by people who Trump will have run against them. So they declared Trump innocent of the charges against him in two impeachments in his first tenure. And they have help him avoid prison even after being found guilty of breaking the laws.

Now He is challenging the Courts by saying they aren't the law makers and aren't even elected. Consequently, Trump is asserting he doesn't have to obey Court Orders. Trump is declaring himself the law maker. the law enforcer, and the judge of the validity of what the law is: trump claims to be the king or Dictator and 'in charge of everything'. And he can get away with it.
There will soon come a point where only physical force will stop Trump from making us all slaves to his will and his whims. The only thing that will stop him is what he was too dumb to do in his try to keep in office by having fools and losers try to take over Congress on Jan 6.
All the previous Dictators and kings used an Army to take out the legislators and Judges.
It is going to come down to the military standing up for the Constitution and keep the Senate and House of Representatives as our Legislature, the Courts as the interpreters of our laws and the Executive branch as the administrators of the laws.
The army, navy, marines, and air force, our trained and ready military, will decide to accept Trump as our King or throw the bum out and try him for insurrection and treason and punish him for doing so. I hope the Military stands up to their oath to protect and defend the Constitution. When the Commander in Chief gives an illegal order and tries to take over the Government by force, by illegal traitorous force. For all 330 million of us free Americans, men, women, and children, I hope the members of our armed services will chose to support the Constitution and it's Bill of rights over the Criminal Trump. Honor, Duty, Corps. I was born free in the United States. We all were. We all wish to die free. I hope you protect us from dying slaves.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Fix life!!

 There is no supper-dupper intellect that has the glory road to Shangri-La. There is physics and its consequences, biology, life, and Evolution. Itelligence is what we use to solve problems. Until we fix death we will follow our hormones and kill to live another day. ut and "eye for an eye" leads to a world of blind people. Competing for tomorrow will lead to the death of us all. Intelligence is what has evolved to process the signals of physics that tells us "What's up, Doc?". It's the drive to survive, for longevity, god-hood. tomorrow. "More light". And neither morality, legality, governments, prayers, or hopes are going to change our "minds and bodies" until we start nudging Evolution toward a more humane set of hormones that lower the drive to survive and reproduce, "At all Costs". he last cost is all of life. We need to use our inelligence, biological, artificial, any kind, and design our way out of death and destruction. Time to grow up. Not the "Greatest good for the greatest number." "The greatest good for everybody!, Period. Fix life and you are the ubermensch. Fail to and there will be no you to be anything. Not even a memory. The Universe will run out of memories.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Christianity, a Philosophy and world view of great negativity.

                            Christianity is Negative...

Religion generally, and Christianity in particular, are very focused on how sinful mankind is. They see it as almost a disease. We will sin, we will die, we will be punished for being human, as God made us. And we can do nothing to put off death and punishment. Except, ... except, give money to the church, get into the Church's good graces and thereby get into God's graces and have a shorter time in purgatory. You want to talk about a joyless, almost hopeless existence? I thought the Existentialists were a little negative. Christianity worships a God who killed and killed and rarely forgave the people for being the way he made them.  

You need a better story, gentle people. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Trump ignores our previous commitment to Ukraine

Trump overlooks one big point: America has previously made a choice, to help Ukraine survive Russia's invasion. WE gave 130 to 140 billion in money along with thousands of man hours of gathered intelligence. WE committed to stop the communist invasion. Trump betrayed our commitment and put us in the same philosophical and moral position as Putin is in. We, through Trump have betrayed our commitment like cowards, fools, and dishonorable people have done throughout man's history. And I take exception to this man, Trump, totally without dignity, honor, or understanding, is our President.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

What do we 'Get out of it' ?

 We are participating in "The Fall of American Democracy". But mostly by watching. Some of the justifications are a flat out riot: We have been giving away money to help the sick and downtrodden of the whole world. And Trump and his followers find this to be outrageous rather than honorable assist to the poor. But "We don't get anything out of that!" False. Every religion on earth advocates helping the needy. And if you happen to not be "involved in mankind" you can steal the money going to the poor, that goes to them under legal mandate and humane impetus, and put that money that you have stolen on your stack of money and say: "See it's much better on my stack then it is on theirs." Anti Robin Hood should jar with your conscience, your morals, your up-bringing, but it doesn't. Why? You are simply not big enough to understand that greed, fear, envy, are animal instincts that Honor and pride, and dignity as well as the law support, honor, and assist mankind from hiding in the hell of small, "what's in it for me" selfish stinking pathetic Republican philosophy. Your parents and mine, have spent roughly $600,000 to raise us. What did they get out of it? A pathetic, frightened, small, person who will soon die and be rapidly forgotten. We help ourselves by guaranteeing free speech, religion, press, assembly,due process of law, trial by jury, no torture - until fear overcame us. What we get from the Constitution is being involved in mankind and helping the poor by choosing to.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trump caves to Putin and destroys Nato and the World's trust in our lost dedication to a just, free, and proud nation

Has anyone heard of Neville Chamberlain? I know Trump can't read, think, or understand anything. But he's about to cause World War III and prove he is the weakest, lost person to ever hold power. He has raped NATO, screwed America, and shamed us all. Trump has no shame, and He certainly has NO HONOR, no dignity. I am ashamed to be an American under this utterly incompetent, mentally ill, incompetent, foolish, dishonest, incompetent fool. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

There is no God But "Wishin' and a Hopin' "

 Unfortunately, the information transfer lines from God to us don't exist. Magic doesn't work, prayer may change your psychology but hasn't shown to affect physics. No matter how we interrogate existence, for whatever reason, if we're going to find something, some power, good or bad, we haven't gotten any signals that there anything 'more wonderful than ourselves', and that's a pretty low bar. God cannot be omnipotent. He cannot make a brick so big He can't pick it up. He cannot create a sinner He cannot save. He cannot create a Saint He can corrupt. We can biologically assist evolution and make slight changes in hormone release volumes and lower or remove the 'fight or flight' instinct. The love or hate extremes, the jungle instincts that are misplaced in a civilization. God is a wish and the devil is instinctual. Nature must be overcome and God isn't there to help. It's simply time to grow up as a species, see tha evolution is for survival at any cost, and man will be corruptible until he fixes the strengths of some of our emotions and trusts. "And I pry that I may forget these things that with myself I too much discuss, too much Explain".